Project Title: Sanits School Cloud Security Enhancement Project
ObjecƟve: The Sanits School Cloud Security Enhancement Project was iniƟated to bolster the security
measures surrounding the School campus cloud infrastructure, safeguarding sensiƟve data, research
resources, and academic applicaƟons. The primary goal was to establish a secure cloud environment in
line with regulatory requirements and best pracƟces.
Key Components and AcƟviƟes:
1. Comprehensive Cloud Security Audit:
Conducted a thorough assessment of the university’s exisƟng cloud infrastructure,
idenƟfying vulnerabiliƟes, access control issues, and potenƟal misconfiguraƟons.
Reviewed cloud provider security features and seƫngs.
2. Security Policy and Compliance ImplementaƟon:
Developed and implemented cloud-specific security policies aligned with university
policies and compliance requirements.
Ensured adherence to relevant regulatory frameworks governing data protecƟon in an
academic environment.
3. IdenƟty and Access Management (IAM) Enhancement:
Strengthened IAM controls by implemenƟng role-based access controls (RBAC) and
enforcing the principle of least privilege.
Conducted regular reviews and audits of user access permissions in the cloud
4. Data EncrypƟon and Privacy Measures:
Implemented robust encrypƟon protocols for data at rest and in transit within the cloud
storage and communicaƟon channels.
Established measures to ensure the privacy and security of sensiƟve student and
research data.
5. Secure CollaboraƟon Tools:
Evaluated and implemented secure collaboraƟon tools within the cloud environment,
ensuring encrypted communicaƟon and file sharing among students, faculty, and staff.
Educated users on secure pracƟces when uƟlizing cloud-based collaboraƟon tools.
6. Incident Response Planning and Training:
Developed and tested a cloud-specific incident response plan to address and miƟgate
security incidents promptly.
Conducted training sessions for IT personnel and end-users on recognizing and reporƟng
cloud security incidents.
7. ConƟnuous Monitoring and Threat Intelligence IntegraƟon:
Implemented conƟnuous monitoring tools to track acƟviƟes and events within the cloud
Integrated threat intelligence feeds to enhance the ability to detect and respond to
emerging threats.
Significantly improved the overall security posture of the university’s cloud infrastructure.
Strengthened data protecƟon measures and reduced the risk of unauthorized access to sensiƟve
Achieved compliance with relevant data protecƟon regulaƟons and university policies.
Enhanced the university’s ability to respond effecƟvely to cloud-specific security incidents.
Lessons Learned:
CollaboraƟon with academic departments and research units is vital for understanding and
addressing specific cloud security needs.
Regular training and awareness programs are crucial for ensuring a culture of security among
both IT staff and end-users in an academic environment.
Ongoing monitoring and adaptaƟon to evolving cloud security threats are necessary for
maintaining a resilient defense.